Are I going to a good box? 7 indicators to know

The boxes of crossfit They are more than a simple gym. In addition to imparting a very different sport that tests your physical - and mental abilities -, it proposes to discover new disciplines or train in a unique environment for its people.

That is why it is vital that you are in a place with all the guarantees where to feel comfortable by practicing this discipline that gives us so many joys. If you are Thinking about starting in crossfit And you are not sure how to choose a box, or you are already in one but you do not know if it is one of the good ones, keep reading and we will answer the question Is your box tan Well how do you think?

We propose to identify it thanks to the following 7 QUALITY INDICATORS. With these keys you will know what you should take into account when it comes to choose a box crossfit.

1. coach with training in CrossFit.

Be it an official box or a conventional gym, it is necessary that your coaches and coaches have a regulated formation.

It can be the CrossFit Level 1, 2 or 3 or a training as a monitor of physical activities or an official degree to give directed classes of a discipline.

Training is more than a quality criterion in a box, It is a security criterion for you.

A good coach is the one who correctly teaches you the technique and sports practice, but it is also that person who cares about your safety and well -being Throughout the class.

You already know, the crossfit It is not more harmful than other sports. If you do not assimilate the technique, do not correct the mistakes, do not listen to your body and less to your coach, you have it clear.

Trust your coach, follow your programming and you will see your brands with work and discipline.

2. Functional and clean box facilities.

Although the boxes of crossfit They are usually industrial ships with a brief conditioning, it is important that it is well done.

What needs a good box of CrossFit?

  • A rubber floor to cushion the bars and kettelbells that you throw to the ground.
  • A rack well fixed to the ground and the wall.
  • sufficient space to make the WOD in total security.
  • areas to heat and stretch.
  • changing rooms and waiting room.
  • etc

In other words, The box has to be functional so you can practice sport correctly, without endangering you or your classmates, taking care of your health and your well -being.

You are going to train, not to injure you or to catch some infection to batter yourself in the dirt of others.

Therefore, the cleaning It is another notorious criterion than taking into account to evaluate the quality of a box of crossfit. Have you ever gone to practice CrossFit And the box was dirty or in poor condition? If this is so, it is a clear indicator that it is time to change.

Be the main area, the attached rooms, the changing rooms and showers or the entrance, better that you do not see cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, mold in the showers or black dirty finishes when making two burpees - yes, the rubber floor leaves your knees Black, but there are black levels that reach it.

3. Quality material.

We do not refer to prestigious brands - although a good material is usually associated with a good brand.

We mean that The material has to be correct and not in poor condition.

A clean and well -fixed rack, bars and discs in good condition, strings without flashing, combas without tangles, ABMAT No breakage due to wear, etc.

It is normal for box material to be broken by use, but the misuse of the material or a poor quality material denote Little interest in owners in offering safe classes.

And having an entire box of Rogue whose material is shattered is equally bad as using non -professional material. Has it ever happened to you that you have been slow when taking a Rope And that the one that provided you with the box did not turn well? This is another very negative and very frustrating sign.

4. Monitoring

With monitoring we refer on one side, to the monitoring of athletes training, to the progress of the rookies; And on the other, to customer service.

A gym is, after all, a business that provides a service. And every business needs a feedback constant to improve.

What is the monitoring of athletes-clients?

  • It can be made from you, talking with the box partners.
  • Through social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp.
  • Through reserves and monitoring applications of athletes.
  • Sending periodic satisfaction surveys.
  • With a simple suggestion mailbox available at reception.

A box that cares about you as a athlete and as a partner is a point in favor. If there is no follow -up on the box, it is difficult for better, to integrate you into the community, and in the end you will end up tired and stop going.

5. Specialization

When you have been doing some time crossfit, You will reach a point where you will get bored, seek to improve a specific skill or want to specialize in a specific discipline.

Hence A good box of crossfit You also have to offer you complementary classes To keep your sporting curiosity until the end.

Surely more than one has discovered its talent in gymnastics or lostphilia thanks to crossfit.

Therefore, if you see that your box does not offer more specific classes such as Strongman, Endurance, Yoga or Powerlifting, you are already giving a touch of attention to your coaches to spabblate - and if it does not have suggestions mailbox for it, run away! - .

6. Community

Crossfit It is also Community.

You are your own rival and compete against you. But better suffer than alone, right?

This is the beautiful thing about crossfit, What for some who see it from the outside call 'sect'.

A good box has to Promote the community Through competitions, solidarity events, dinners and diverse meals because, after all, we sign up for sports and socialize.

Here are examples of Plans to do with your community

7. Feel comfortable

And, most importantly, you feel comfortable.

As we have said before, each box of crossfit It is a world in itself and, in addition to the six quality criteria that we have listed, the seventh depends on each one.

There will always be a more personal factor Like the people who train with you, the music they put in the WOD, the classes they teach, the location, if it is an affiliated box or not, and a long etcetera.

Whatever the criteria, A good box of crossfit It is one that you are going to train motivated, to taste and to which you return Week after week, month by month, year after year.

Therefore, when choosing a box of CrossFit, You should ask yourself if you meet these criteria, and if not, you better see others. If you are already pointed to one ...

Does your box meet these 7 quality indicators?


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