Battle Rope, full guide to train with strings

A new sports discipline arrives in our lives to get very, very fit. This time let's tell you about ‘String training also known in the Anglo -Saxon form ‘Battle Rope, very famous for some and very unknown to others. For that same reason we tell you What is and Why you should join rope training Without thinking about it.


¿What is heBattle Rope’?

First, let's see what we mean when we talk about ‘Battle Rope’. It is a new sports discipline that focuses on Use, with different movements, with two thick and heavy strings. The key is to move these strings in different ways to be able to exercise the different muscles. Despite looking like a simple exercise, the ‘Battle Rope’ allows many exercises to be made, in addition to working the body at a high intensity. It may seem first a discipline without much route, but the truth is that it allows you to work the whole body. Of course the upper train is present in the vast majority of exercises, but the core And lower train is not far behind, with the ‘Battle Rope’ you will be able to tone it in the same way.

What benefits does the ‘haveBattle Rope’?

Being a sports discipline, it is clear that it has more benefits than contraindications. Let's see what its most famous benefits are:
  • Allows us to work on a High intensity, so the exercise will be much more effective. This in turn allows us to win More aerobic capacity And therefore, it makes us burn more calories.
  • The ‘Battle Rope’ allows you gain strength, essential to be able to tone the body.
  • You also develop greater balance and coordination As you are practicing more and more. At the level of core It is a very good sport.

How to do the exercises ‘Battle Rope’Correctly

As in all sports, it is necessary to have a buena postura a la hora de realizar los ejercicios para evitar lesiones y que el entrenamiento sea efectivo, por eso, es clave:
  • Calculate the distance from the strings so that, above all, the back does not suffer.
  • When doing the exercises it is super important Activate the Core, in relation to the above, to protect the back.
  • The separation of the feet in the exercises, most of the time it must be the width of your squat, in this way the movements will be better executed and will be more fluid.
  • The knees and hip should always be semi -flexed When doing the exercises.

Exercises to start in the ‘Battle Rope

We have already seen what it is and the benefits of this sport. Now we tell you what are the most basic exercises so you can start practicing ‘Battle Rope’:

➡️ High alternate beaters

To make alternate low beaters, the movement will be the same as the previous one. The main difference will be the position of of The legs and hip, here they must be more flexed than before.

➡️ Power Slam

Again the exit position will be standing, with the legs and hip slightly flexed. In this case we will take the strings through the ends and the beaters will be made with both arms simultaneously. You have to beat the strings with all your strength, as if you throw a Slam ball. Important: Do not take impulse, do not jump in this specific exercise.

➡️ Glapper Toss

Standing again, this time with a hammer -like garre, the idea is to perform semicircles towards the knees, with both arms, simultaneously.

➡️ Alternate beaters with squat

From your sitadilla position, the idea is to place breaking the parallel, at the same time that you perform alternate beates with the strings. A trick, to gain stability, is to keep the grip of the strings centered towards your body.

➡️Alternate beaters with lateral strides

Again, from the initial position, the idea is to make beaten alternating the arms, this time in a position of strides Latera. In this case it is super important to keep the core Not to lose balance. 

➡️ Beaten to one hand in an iron position

The exercises can be complicated by everything we want. In this case the initial position will be ‘iron’ in three supports. The free hand is the one that will make the strokes with the rope. Again, it is essential to keep the core active enough. There are an infinity of movements that can be made, ‘Battle Rope’ allows infinite combinations, all perfect to put yourself in shape.

Muscles you work by practicing the Battle Rope exercise

The Battle Rope, an exercise that has gained popularity in functional training, is a challenging activity that not only triggers a sweaty cardiovascular challenge, but also activates and strengthens various muscle groups in the body. This exercise, which implies the use of heavy and thick strings, not only tests your resistance, but also tones and develops key muscles in the process.

Upper train muscles

The Battle Rope is exceptional to work the upper train muscles. During their practice, the deltoid muscles, located on the shoulders, are significantly activated when sustaining the strings and performing the undulating movements. In addition, the muscles of the arms, such as biceps and triceps, contract vigorously to generate the balancing and pounding movements of the strings. The intense contraction of these muscles not only strengthens the arms, but also improves the resistance and stability of the shoulder joints.

Core and stability

The core of the body, which includes the abdominal, lumbar and oblique muscles, plays a fundamental role in training with Battle Rope. Maintaining an adequate posture during exercise is essential to stabilize the torso and generate strength from the center of the body. Abdominal muscles are activated intensely to stabilize the trunk and maintain balance, which strengthens the central muscles and contributes to a better body posture.

Leg muscles

Although the arms seem to carry the main load in training with Battle Rope, leg muscles also come into play. The fact of staying in a semi -cluster position or with the knees slightly flexed during exercise implies the activation of the quadriceps, hamstring and buttock muscles. These muscles provide stability and power to the movement, transferring energy from the bottom of the body to the upper limbs to maintain the rhythm and intensity of the exercise.

Battle Rope training offers a complete exercise experience, involving several muscle groups and promoting the development of strength, resistance and coordination throughout the body.


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