Cluster, the definitive Cross Training Movement with Bar

This is the cluster, the definitive cross training movement that we do with bar. We tell you what its execution is like and the progressions it has. 

What is a cluster? 

The cluster is a movement that takes place in Cross Training. It is composed of two movements, both widely used in west training. These movements are: 

  • Squat Clean or loaded. In First, to make a cluster you have to make a Squat Clean, that is, a loaded with squat. It is important to highlight that you have to receive the bar in squat, so that the cluster is a cluster. That is the main rule of this movement. 
  • Thruster. Secondly and just after the loaded with squat that we had just done, a Thruster would have to be done. That is, from that squat position in which we have received the bar, we would have to climb with all the power we have to carry the bar, vertically, above our head. 

A cluster always begins with the bar on the ground, unlike the Thruster that begins with the bar resting on the shoulders in rack position. Therefore, the first Thruster we do, will always be a cluster. 

How a step by step is done 

First, the bar must be supported on the ground. From there and in the exit position, we extend the hip vertically and we collide quickly under the bar, receiving it on the shoulders in a squat position. 

Without making any stop, the next step would be to boost the bar up taking advantage of the power generated by our legs and following the inertia of the bar until it is above our head with the arms totally extended. 

If we want to make a cluster again, that is, go out with the bar from the ground and repeat the entire movement, we must lower the bar very stuck to our body until it touches the ground, and from there start again from the beginning . 


In the event that we want to continue with a Thruster, as we have said before, it would not be necessary to take our bar to exit position. It is enough that we return to the squat position and again carry the bar above our head. 

Cluster benefits 

Cluster is a perfect movement for work for strength and power 

It is a movement in which the main muscle groups of the body participate, both of Lower train, from where the entire starting power is born; to him upper train, that takes advantage of the inertia of the previous one to end the bar over the head. 

He core, also plays a very important role in this movement. A core Fuerte will provide you with stability so that when the movement is made, your body moves in a single block and goes all the force applied in the same direction. 

Among the main muscles worked with this movement are:  

  • Ischiotibial 
  • Quadriceps 
  • Twins 
  • Buttocks 
  • Femoral 
  • Deltoid 
  • Trapeze 
  • Abdominals 
  • Lumbar 

As you can see the clusters are a very complete exercise that will help us stay in form thanks to all the muscle groups that it trains. And you, are you more of clusters or Thrusters? We read you in comments!


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