Creatine, the fashion sports supplement

Surely, if you are involved in the sports world, you have heard of the Creatine as a supplement. More and more people add this compound to their diet to benefit from its effects. And, despite being one of the supplements with more scientific evidence about its positive effects on sports performance, it is still a great unknown. In this post we explain everything you need to know about creatine, the fashion sports supplement.

What is creatine?

Creatine is a Nitrogen compound Not essential, since biosynthesis occurs in our body. It is mainly synthesized in liver, pancreas and kidneys through precursor amino acids, such as arginine, glycine and metiotine. It is estimated that 50% of creatine is synthesized by our body, and the other 50% is obtained from the food we eat.

What is creatine for?

Creatine, once ingested, is transported by the bloodstream to the muscles where almost 90% of the total will be stored. When it is in the muscle it is present in the form of phosphocreatine (Phosphorus+creatine). Once we have this phosphocreatine, our body will use it as "extra gasoline." We are going to give an example, when you perform a heavy press press, your body will use phosphocreatine present in the muscle very quickly and exhausting the reserve, since it needs to transform it into ATP (energy). Therefore, if we add creatine through supplementation, we will notice how we can perform extra repetitions, a more optimal break between series (greater resyte of creatine), improve hypertrophy and recovery ... say that thanks to this supplement, you go to have that extra help to make your training more optimal.

How to take creatine

How to take creatine?

To better understand the functioning of this supplement, we will imagine that we have to fill a pool, which is empty now. Every day we are going to add a glass of water, and that glass does not matter if we throw it in the morning, in the afternoon or during the night, because the final result will be the sum of all those vessels that we have been throwing. The same happens with creatine, since It works by accumulation. To general features, it can be taken at breakfast, or when it is more comfortable for you. It is usually taken with water, although it is indifferent. There are some cases where it is recommended to take creatine after training next to a good source of carbohydrates (HC), since there are numerous studies that ensure good glycogen resynthesis. The general recommendation revolves around 5 gr/day, but it is normal to find people who have higher doses scheduled. Everything will depend on your personal case, since a person who practices is not the same Crossfit 2 times/week, that a person who double training sessions almost daily. Therefore, it is best to ask for advice from a nutritionist and adapt it to your particular case. We also recommend calculating your dose with the following formula and thus being able to guide you:

0.1g x kg weight

Example: If you weigh 85 kg, your recommended and safe dose will be 8.5 grams. Regarding load phases, It is not necessary, unless you have a test or competition with high requirements or need to arrive in specific conditions in a short time. In this case, a load phase is recommended. The formula we will guide be:

0.3 g x kg weight

Example: If weight 85 kg, the loading posology would be 25.5 g. We recommend making 3-4 take a day to avoid gastrointestinal problems. We also see doubts in consultation regarding whether rest days We must continue taking creatine. Normally you do not have to stop taking it, but if you know that the break will be longer over time (a long vacation, or a temporary break in the practice of sport for any reason), we could shuffle the idea of ​​reducing dose or stop taking it. The general recommendation with almost any supplementation is to pause about 4-6 weeks. But there are also studies regarding creatine that show that it is not necessary to make a break if our requirements remain the same or even greater. Therefore, we return to the same, the individualization of each case is key.


QEU creatine buy?

Regardless of the creatine brand that you decide to buy, an important aspect in which you should look is to take the Seal CREAPURE, to ensure a certain supplement quality.

Why should you buy Creapure®? (Monohydrate creatine) - Food

Does creatine fattening?

There are many myths around whether we can notice changes in our weight. The absorption of creatine is intracellular, so it is possible that the volume of this is possible, and therefore the weight on the scale can range between 0.5-2 kg. But as we always emphasize, the important thing is not the numeritory of the scale, but the Body recomposition What are you getting, the performance obtained, as you feel after training ... so you do train, you give 100% of yourself and have a good diet, next to a good rest and Stress management, those 0.5-2 kg will never be a problem.


Benefits and side effects


As for the most important positive effects of creatine, we have evidence regarding the Performance improvement in strength and high intensity athletes: Increase in the number of repetitions until it reaches fatigue, obtaining a greater volume of training and increased muscle mass gain, in addition to a faster recovery between intense exercise sessions. There are also various studies that show that it is supplemented with creatine can disminuir niveles de colesterol y diabetes, Increase cognitive performance, and even studies were carried out in individuals with depression that after taking this supplement noticed improvements in their mood. As with everything, the effects will be different in each person, since there are various factors to take into account such as age, gender, sport practiced, previous creatine levels in the body, type of food, etc.


Efectos secundarios

Creatine is one of the supplements with greater scientific evidence, with few or almost null serious side effects recognized. There are studies that have shown that even using high doses, health problems are not recognized. In addition to being a supplement that is not only recommended for athletes, but there are specific cases such as older people with muscle mass losses that are supplemented with creatine. There are people who have noticed some digestive discomfort, diarrhea or abdominal pain, but when a more gradual intake protocol has been paid, they have been able to benefit from this supplement.


Creatine rich foods

Creatine rich foods

As we have already mentioned, creatine is a compound that It is naturally found in animal fabric, and the main foods that can be provided to us are meat and fish. We must remember that if these foods are cooked in excess, they can lose part of creatine. Obviously you have to cook them, but we can take this point into account at the time of its elaboration. These foods rich in creatine are: Arenque, salmón, bacalao, atún, hígado, carne de cerdo, carne roja…. In vegetarian or vegan people, due to its type of food, there is a low or no creatine intake, so using this supplement can be a very good choice as long as it is recommended by an updated professional in the field.

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