Emom: 5 routines to master this type of training.

We have already spoken to you in previous articles about different training methods such as amrap or tábata. Today we tell you all the secrets about one of the most frequent wods in everything Box that boast: The EMOM. Do you want to know what this term means, what differentiates it from the rest of the methods and how to apply it? Well, keep reading because this will interest you.

What does Emom mean?

As you have more than internalized, many of the names of training methods, especially in crossfit, They come from English and in Spanish we have adopted it as is. In this case EMOM means:

Every Minute on the Minute ”or every minute in the minute

In case you have been the same as before, this means that you must make the number of stipulated repetitions, of one or more exercises, within a minute. And in the following minutes, too. If you manage to finish the repetitions before the end of the minute, congratulations! You will have a few seconds of rest before starting again. But if you can't finish before ... you have not planned your strategy well. The key is to program the training so that you do not stay without rest time between rounds, but neither do you get too much and make longer breaks than recommended. That is the work of your coach: to carry out these calculations according to your performance, and control that you are the best of you without neglecting the technique. This training method usually lasts between 10 and 30 minutes, but, as usually happens, this is not an exact science and you may find EMOM of less or more minutes. Your goal will be to win the race to the clock and finish the repetitions assigned in time to rest, since that will depend that you have enough energy to follow at maximum intensity in the following minutes. You will be in charge of deciding the speed at which you make each repetition. Be careful what strategy you use because it is not a good idea to do the repetitions too fast and expose yourself to:

  • Leaving aside the technique, which will lead you to a possible injury and that your work is not as productive as it could be.
  • That, despite having recovery time, you end up too tired and you can't finish the EMOM.

You know: sometimes, less is. Few a few repetitions well made than many halfway or have to give up early. Use the second rest to reflect on your technique and improve it. You must be able to keep your effort to the fullest throughout the EMOM, not only the first minutes, so, apart from calculating your strategy well, you will have to be able to manage your mind so that this time is not torture.

What makes EMOM different?

In many cases EMOMs are used in strength training as a method to avoid longer distractions and breaks than we think. It has ever happened to us to be training in the gym and let out the mind too much between series and series or end up responding to the WhatsApp on duty. This with the EMOM does not happen. There will be the clock to force you to continue, and everything else, it will give the same. As you have already noticed, the EMOM is a high intensity training method that works at intervals. This makes it an effective method. These characteristics can be found in other methods such as tábata, but as you will know if you have read our article, tábata method: fashion training to burn fat, it has incorporated the second rest in each round, while in the emom you will rest More or less depending on your speed. The EMOMs also differ from other methods such as the AMRAP, where you have to do as many repetitions as you can, in which in this case you know from the beginning how many repetitions you must do per minute.

What will you win if you train with Emom?

It is more than likely that you heard this method of training very well. They say that your best friend should be if your goal is weight loss. Also, you must count on him if what you want is to tone. And it is not for less: thanks to the EMOM you can burn fat and improve your physical form and, in addition, in less time than with other methods. And that's not all, because it will also help you know your limits and know where you can improve, especially if you have control of your scores. With this type of training you can train strength or cardio, which will make you win in power, resistance, agility and aerobic capacity. In addition, your mental strength and overcoming will grow. If you also consider that it is a training method where there is no place for distractions or for boredom, because you can do it tan Dynamic and varied as you want, it is to consider starting to practice it today, right? Rope, Powerlifting, burpees, squats, flexions ... you decide.

Our 5 EMOM proposals

We already proposed an emom in our article 8 wods of crossfit to do at home, that you can do in those days that it does not give you time to go to the box (or have you confined), but today we bring you 5 more so you have to choose at all times.

12 minutes routine for beginners

This is ideal to start, because every minute you will have a different exercise forgetting to have to change your exercise without rest in between. Remember that the seconds that surround you between minute and minute are rest.

  • 1st minute: 15 jumps from Rope
  • 2nd minute: 5 burpees
  • 3rd minute: 15 abdominals
  • 4th minute: 15 Jumping Jacks

Repeat 4 times.

7 -minute routine

You must perform at every minute:

  • 25 double jumps of Rope
  • 75 simple jumps of Rope

Repeat 7 rounds.

15 minutes routine

You must perform at every minute:

  • 10 burpees

Rest until the minute is fulfilled and repeat until the end of the 15 minutes. You will have made 150 Burpees! There is nothing.

20 minutes routine

You must perform at every minute:

  • 3 push-ups or flexions
  • 2 dominated
  • 3 squats or squatillas (better with load)

Rest until the minute is fulfilled and repeat 19 times more, until the 20 minutes.

30 minutes routine (Chelsea)

You must perform at every minute:

  • 5 Pull-ups or dominated
  • 10 push-ups or flexions
  • 15 Air Squats or Senates in the air

Rest until you meet the minute and repeat. Can you make this round until the 30 minutes are?


Thanks to the EMOM method it is possible to train at high intensity with almost any combination of exercises you can think of. It is highly adaptable, you can decide the goal of training, time and to the place (since there are EMOM for those who do not need material). You already want to lose weight, tone, train strength, strengthen the core… The EMOM is for you for its high efficiency. It is also very motivating because you can follow your progress easily. You only need to keep the number of repetitions, the second rest or the number of rounds. Always remember that the key to the success in the EMOM is to get the balance between repetitions and breaks. You must calculate the number of repetitions depending on your physical condition, so that you do not pass and you have to go too quickly, but do not stay short either. You can include it within your training routine combined with other methods, or leave it for the end of your WOD for an extra calorie burning. We are sure that, once you try it, you will repeat. What do you bet?
D. Tell us in comments what is the EMOM that you use the most in your training. 👇💬


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