Hollow Rock: Get a hard abdomen like a rock

One of the best characteristics of Crosstraining It allows you to work the body completely. The abdomen is one of the most important parts since it is used for many different exercises. Today we will learn how to do a Hollow Rock or balancing in Hollow correctly that will allow us to strengthen the abdomen. 

How to do a Hollow Rock? 

This gymnastic movement especially focuses on the area of ​​the core. TO continuation, We tell you the necessary steps to do it: 

  1. The first thing we have to do is lie on my face with our arms and legs stretched.  
  2. We place ourselves in Hollow Hold position, that is, with the knees collected raised from the ground and the arms stretched. It is important that you rest on the lower back and notice the force in the abdomen.
  3. We stretch our arms glued to our ears and the same with the legs. We begin to balance ourselves without touching with our legs or hands on the floor.
  4. We repeat the exercise without forcing. 

The body moves as a set, swinging while the abdomen is contracted and the lower back remains supported on the ground. Here you can see a video in which it is explained as do it: 


 What are the benefits of doing Hollow Rock? 

  • You will improve your balance. 
  • You will work your abdomen completely. 
  • You will reduce lumbar tension 
  • It will allow you to make other more difficult movements. 

What muscles You work with Hollow Rock? 

  • Femoral straight 
  • Oblique abdominals 
  • Hip flexors 
  • Greater abdomen rectum 

To do the Hollow Rock or balancing in Hollow You will only need to have a mat. It is an exercise that requires a lot of practice since it is not intended for beginners. The first thing you should do is learn to do the HOllow HOld to later do the hollow rock. You can observe how to do the Hollow Hold in this video: 

If you want to continue improving in your training Crosstraining visit Our blog in which You will find the best tips for your exercises. Besides, Do not forget to visit our store, where you can get the best market accessories through this link. 


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