How to get the famous Muscle Up? In this post we tell you all the keys and transitions you need to know to get your first UP muscle. And why not? Improve them and strengthen them in the event that they are yours, but you lack the technique a bit. As with most Cross Training movements, patience plays a fundamental role, and more when we talk about complex movements. This is the case of Muscle Up. Probably all people who practice Cross Training and still do not have this movement aim to achieve it. The good news is that if you propose it you will surely get it. Everything is a matter of work, desire and dedication. But as we have said before, patience first of all!

What is a Muscle UP?

He Muscle Up It is one of the most famous gymnastic exercises included in the practice of Cross Training. Basically it consists of generar una tracción con la cual elevas el tronco por encima de la barra. En el mundo del Cross Tranining existen dos tipos de muscle ups diferentes: pueden ser en barra o en anillas. Hoy vamos a hablar del Muscle Up in Bar or Bar Muscle Up.

How to make a muscle up bar

What do you need to do a Muscle UP?

To get a Muscle Up It is key to develop strength in the upper train, work a good resistance from your dominate and master the Kipping movement.

Transitions for a ‘Muscle UP ’

Once we have gained strength in the upper train, we have the dominated dominated (never better) and we have internalized the Kipping; We enter the transition phase until we reach Get the ‘bar Muscle Up ’. These are some of them:


✅ Rack bar transition

Place a bar on the rack and tie some tires to prevent the bar from slipping and it is safer to make this transition. Once you have everything placed, get right in the middle of the bar, grab this with your hands (always with the thumb surrounding the bar) and groove so that your feet are touching the ground. First we start without kipping, you will have to jump driving with your legs and trying to take your hip to the bar, so that the movement is as close as possible to what we would do in the Muscle Up. The idea is that by giving you impulse with your legs, you can pass your body over the bar as we would in the Muscle Up. Once you have it dominated, we go to the execution of this transition with kipping, that is, making a balance (Hollow-Arch) before taking the hip to the bar.


✅ Transition With drawer

Place a drawer (if possible wood, since they are more stable) just below the high bar that you are going to hang to make this transition to the UP muscle. As with the previous transition we begin without kipping, that is, jumping vertically. Once that movement is clear, we continue with Kipping With your feet resting on the drawer, so that it helps you drive up and get out of your arms over the bar. As you have security with that transition, the ideal is that you go down the height of the drawer and use a single foot to drive.


✅ Transition with rubber

Look for a rubber (or several, according to the extra force you need) and take it out of the bar, enter a foot into the rubber, make the Kipping And as you try to bring your hip to the bar and spread your arms above the bar. As with the drawer, the ideal is that the gums are increasingly having less resistance as time passes, until you can do it without a rubber.


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