Power Clean: execution in Cross Training, variant and benefits

It is one of the favorite movements of the ‘crossfitero’ world and at the same time one of the most demanding. Halterophils know him as ‘loaded’ or the first part of the ‘two times’.

What is the Power Clean?

Power Clean is a Explosive movement, which needs all muscle groups for execution. Explained quickly, it consists of lifting a heavy bar from the ground to the shoulders with a pull. It is a fluid and very complete movement, is based on power and, of course, on technique. Like any zenic movement it is basic to know it very technically, first, to avoid injuries that may occur and, second, to take your limits to another level, improve more and more and be able to load more weight.

How do you make a power clean?

We are going to renovate the movement so that it is easier to understand its mechanism. First, we will begin to make the movement with a spicy. Before taking weight, it is important to internalize a minimum of how to make the movement. We cannot forget that it is exercise that is normally done with weights high enough to do it in any way.
  1. Once we have the spicy we will start with a dead weight and repeat that move as many times as necessary to understand how the spicy (bar in the future) has to climb) towards our shoulders. ‘Pica attached to the body, feet to the width of your hip and straight back’, Sure you will hear it more than once to your coaches. We cannot forget that the Power Clean can have three output posisicones, well, all of them are made in the aforementioned position. Position from warm medium, position from under the knee and position above the knee, also known as pendant.
  2. Once the ‘Dead Weight’ stage will advance, we will advance: Standing, with the spicy at the height of the hip and closed grip, we will make a pull towards the shoulders. This will also repeat everything we need.
  3. The next step is the same as number 2, the biggest difference is that in this case we will focus on put the elbows under the rapid bar, to be able to load the bar.
  4. Now is the Moment to unite everything. That is, from the ground we will load the spicy/bar in the right position towards the shoulders. At the moment we continue to receive the spicy/standing bar.
  5. Finally, every time we repeat the movement, we will need to go down more and more until we reach a maximum of an angle of 90º.

Once the movement is controlled, it is time to leave the spicy and take an Olympic bar, to which kilos will be added little by little. A medida que vayamos cargando kilos en la barra, más necesitaremos bajar para poder recepcionar bien el peso. Mientras no se rompa el paralelo al hacer la sentadilla, seguirá siendo Power Clean. Once we break the parallel we will leave the Power Clean aside to make a full clean or clean.

What are the benefits of Power Clean?

The Power Clean is the perfect movement to put yourself in shape. When working the force, not only strengthens your muscles and reduces your body fat percentage, it is also very beneficial for your bones, since as the movement is done with high loads, they are strengthened, which allows you to have a higher quality of life. In addition, with the Power Clean you work a lot, you understand how your body works and increase your ability to jump and in general coordinate your body.

Why are Power Clean in Cross Training classes?

It is one of the most repeated movements in the Cross Training workouts. Combining it with other more achic movements becomes a very complete and useful movement with which to stay fit, since all muscle groups work. That, and that you could intensify the exercise everything you are willing 😉


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