That heat does not catch you training: tips to hydrate correctly

The heat is here and you notice in the box.

You see the shorts appear, the short -sleeved or braces t -shirts and the naked torsos walk from one place to another while the sweat falls into the floor - yes, sometimes gives up.

It is already summer in the crossfitter universe and, therefore, it is time to hydrate a little more than usual so that it does not give you a heat stroke between June and September.

Drink more water

High intensity training becomes harder in summer due to heat and environmental humidity.

Naturally, your body sweats much more and Lose essential water and minerals To keep your body in good condition.

Therefore, in summer, either in the box or not, be thirsty or not, drink more water than the rest of the year.

It doesn't always have to have a bottle of water in your backpack or bag.

You will avoid starting a dehydrated body training and that, due to high temperatures, gives you a heat stroke.

Before, during and after training

When sweating, you not only lose water, also mineral salts that, in shortage, can cause muscle cramps and contractures.

And you know how unpleasant that feeling is, in addition to annoying your weekly training for having to rest and recover.

You already know the saying: Better to prevent cure.

Our expert in nutrition, Iñaki Domínguez, recommends us hydrate before, during and after exercising.

  • Before training: drink water.
  • During training: drink water with mineral salts or an isotonic drink.
  • After training: an isotonic drink or recomponent foods such as natural fruit juices.

The idea is to contribute to the organism Between 500ml and 600ml of water with salts and divide it into three shots.

Another recommendation of our expert is to avoid infringeing water so as not to feel swollen during the WOD.

Making burpes or double jumps with heavy stomach is not very fun.

Food with a lot of water

It is important to hydrate along the day in summer and you can do it with water, but also with foods that favor hydration and provide essential vitamins and minerals for post-service recovery.

The fruit They are your friends and, especially, Watermelon, melon, mango, cherries, peach, plums, etc.

The vegetables They are also your friends in summer: Tomato, cucumber, bitter lettuce, outbreaks and other green leafy vegetables.

When eating and dinner, prefer Cold soups, gazpachos, salads, liquefied, juices and smoothies. Of course, to be natural.

You can do them or choose some supermarket products reading nutritional information and its composition.

Avoid alcohol and commercial sports drinks.

On the one hand, you know that alcohol dehydrates. Even beer.

And commercial sports drinks are not isotonic since they contain a lot of sugar.

A good isotonic drink, with mineral salts, should know salty and not sweet.

When can you take that beer tan desired? After hydrating correctly at the end of training.

You will enjoy it much more than just when leaving the box.

You have more nutritional tips and even a home isotonic drink recipe in this PICSIL blog article.

Enjoy the summer!


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