The Foam Roller in Cross Training: What is it and why you should use it

Today we talk to you about Foam Roller, a small gadget that may seem little useful, but that, if you read this article until the end, you will begin to love which frozen beer in an afternoon from August to 40 degrees. It is very likely that you have already seen it on more than one occasion in your box, gym, pilates class or yoga. It is not surprising since, although in the beginning its use was exclusively for athletes, In recent years its use has been extended. Luckily, the Foam Roller It is now accessible to the rest of mortals. So you may discover that you have already used it thanks to your Coach Or your monitor decided to include it long ago in one of your routines. And less bad.

What is that of Foam Roller?

It is a small roller (or rulo) foam cylindrical. Its function is Press specific pointss of the body in order to favor mobilityMaintain healthy muscle tissue and relieve muscle aches produced by contractures. The use of Foam Roller It is easy and, except in case of concrete injuries, It can be used by anyone. You should simply make a soft movement Go ahead and back (looking to massage the area) just in the muscle we want to treat. There are many types of Foam Roller (Different material, shape ...) But the goal will always be to relieve muscle discomfort and win in mobility. All this thanks to what Work on fascia. Yes, it is possible that you have never heard of it, but you have it and cover it 16 % of your whole body. The fascia is a fabric that surrounds a large part of your muscles and your structure and, over time, it can be shortened at some points. And this is why you notice that you now have less margin of movement than in your yogurt years. Thanks to Foam Roller, and to the Myofascial release technique, you can relax and eliminate these amounts from fascia and Go recovering the normal state of your muscles. That is, return to that moment when they were elastic, light and had great mobility. When there were neither bad positions nor endless days nor excessive training.

What will you win if you use the Foam Roller?

Use this method regularly in your training (or even at home) will be like Give your body a daily physiotherapy session. Obviously, the self -driver with the Foam Roller It will not be tan deep or technical like the one that a specialist would provide you, but it will be of great help to Eliminate tension in your musclesend with those little contractures They bother you so much and win mobility.


  • Improve circulation: You will have a higher blood flow in the treated areas.
  • Win in mobility and flexibility: You can make larger movements.
  • Reduce stress: You will notice more relaxed after massage.
  • Improve posture: Having a healthier musculature will be reflected in your daily posture, so you will be less likely to suffer back problems.
  • Lower risk of faster injury and recovery: You will need less rest time between training sessions.
  • Lower muscle tension: Thanks to the fact that you will have much more relaxed and stretched muscles, you will notice less rigid.
  • Eliminate contractures: You will end those localized knots that hurt and limit you so much daily

How to use it correctly? Recommendations:

Using this small roller is very easy and intuitive, but as in everything, you will be good to meet some Keys and tips They help you get the whole game:

  1. If you have any Recent injury or cervical problem, it is better that you leave the Foam Roller For later and follow your instructions physiotherapist.
  2. You must use the roller only in the muscles, never in bone areas.
  3. Use it before or, better yet, After training To stretch your muscles and favor recovery. Include it in your routine back to calm and Post training stretching.
  4. Start with little pressure About your muscles to gradually increase over the days. The more you drop your weight on the roller, the more intense the work will be.
  5. Try work with collected hair (If you have it long) and tight clothes to avoid possible hooks with the roller.
  6. When you locate a knot or contractureMassage the area For longer to eliminate it (20 seconds, for example). After the roller it will be good that you use a ball lacrosse to be able to work on the knot more concrete also in a circular way.
  7. Try relax during massage controlling breathing (The deeper, the better) and thinks of beautiful things.
  8. Don't worry if it hurts, worry if you don't. Yes indeed, Never pressures so much for pain to be unbearable. The tolerance of your muscles to this massage will improve over time, although it will always be annoying.
  9. If you have circulatory problems, ask your doctor If using this method can be beneficial for you.
  10. The more you use the Foam Roller, better. If you have one at home, leave it in sight and spend a few minutes a day also outside the training schedule. More massage series is the same as Planazo, and your muscles will thank you.


Quadriceps and hip: Place yourself in an iron position, but with the roller under your hip and slide down and down.

Twins: Sit with your legs extended on the cylinder and lift your hip, enduring your weight with your hands, so that you can massage the twin area behind and behind.

Buttocks: Sit on the roller and massage the area with soft movements forward and back.

Back: Lie on the cylinder and move smoothly up and down.

Eye! Remember to massage only the muscles avoiding bones and joints. These are just a few examples of all the exercises you can perform with this simple device. If you want to know more, do not hesitate to go through your Box (or gym) usual and talk to your Coach or monitor Surely he will be delighted to show you a few more.


If you do not want the passage of time, work, stress, bad postures and many other situations to subtract mobility and functionality to your body, You should start friends with Foam Roller Of course. Dedicating a few minutes a day (especially during training), it will soon notice more downloaded and flexible. Don't wait any longer to get your Mobility kit Foam Roller. Of course, remember that this stretching method is suitable for almost everyone, but You must consult in case of having any previous injury or problem. No foam roller can replace the experience of your trusted physio, but the Foam Roller, It can help you not have to visit you tan often. If you have already tried the wonders of this small cylinder, tell us your experience. 👇🏻 

And if you have not had the pleasure of doing so, we are sure that, after reading this article, you are looking forward to starting to notice more flexible and weaning. Come, go, do we roll?


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