Tips for doing Climb: The exercise to get a steel back

Contrary to what many people can think, train in CrossFit It is much more fun than it seems, so it is so, that it becomes something addictive. He Wall Climb It is one of those exercises that most motivate the crossfitists and that explain the constant desire to go training.

Although it may seem a simple exercise, it implies many muscle groups in its execution. Next, we explain to you What is and how does the climb are done And what muscles work.

What is the Climb Wall?

The Climb Wall, also known as Wall Walk, is an exercise that consists of reverse the wall in reverse. To do this, you must put yourself near a wall lying down perpendicularly, support your hands on the floor and with your feet walk through the wall.

No, we have not gone crazy. Although the CrossFit It is a very demanding sport, it is also very fun, as you can check. The Climb Wall It is usually included in the exercise routines of CrossFit more common, generally, because it helps strengthen the abdominal zone, back and arms.

In addition, if your weak point is the coordination of the arms, then the solution to train you is the Wall Climb, which in addition to Improve coordination, also perfects the Agility and flexibility.

To practice this exercise, not much material is necessary, simply have a wall nearby, so do not wait any longer and start giving the Wall Climb. If you have any questions, remember that you can always ask your coach to guide you and offer you the best tips to avoid injuries.


Next, we explain to you How to make a step -by -step wallb To get a steel sword:

Steps to follow:

  1. First, lie face down perpendicular to the wall and with the hands (at chest height) resting on the ground. The feet must touch the partition with which we go to work.

  2. Next, with our hands resting on the ground, we put ourselves on his knees and place our feet on the wall, while we take impulse to start the walk up. As the feet are rising along the wall, the hands and arms should approach the wall proportionally.

  3. Little by little, we go up our feet until the torso and abdomen touch the wall. When these are pressured, we begin to lower.

  4. And we start again. This exercise requires a lot of strength in the arms, so if you are a beginner, do not worry, practice and you will take rhythm right away!

When you do this exercise, either at home or in the box, remember Clear the area and surroundings of the wall with which you go to work to avoid greater damage in case of fall.

In the following video, you can see in detail the technique to run a climb wall:

What muscles are working when you run a Walk Walk?

As we have already advanced at the beginning of this article, the Climb Wall is a very simple exercise with which we strengthen the upper body, in addition to improving coordination and flexibility.

However, this exercise implies more muscle groups when running. These are the main ones:

  • Upper trapeze

  • Middle trapeze

  • Width dorsal

  • Lumbar

  • Front Deltoid

  • Rear deltoid

  • Serratus

  • Brachial triceps

  • Brachioadial

  • Oblique abdominals

  • Major buttocks

  • Quadriceps

One of the tricks to improve your technique in the climb wallb is Perform exercises that strengthen the upper body. When activating the core, We improve its strength and, therefore, the resistance of the muscles involved in this movement (arms, back and abdomen). For example, you can make series of Burpees, Abdominals, and even, The Dead Weight Sumo.

Remember to always train with extra protection as a guarantee to avoid injuries such as sports kneelets, wristbands, either Grips.

There are no excuses not to train, the Climb Wall is the perfect option to train at home.


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