Top 5 Wods of Cross Training for beginners

The 4 pillars of Cross Training

He crossfit It has 4 fundamental pillars in its development: heating (Warm Up), skills/strength (skill/strength), Wod (workout of the day) and stretching (Cool Down). But the one who makes the difference with respect to the other types of training, and what makes the crossfit, They are the WOD.

We call Wod (Workout of the Day), for its acronym in English, to "training of the day."

WOD types by objectives

There are different types of WOD, which according to their objectives are classified as follows:

  • AMRAP - As many rounds as possible - make as many repetitions as possible in a certain time.
  • EMOM - Every Minute on the Minute - Make a certain number of repetitions of one or more exercises for a minute, if you have plenty of time during that minute, it is used to rest until the next roll.
  • Tabata - High intensity training at intervals, with 20 second exercise blocks, in which we must perform as many repetitions as possible.
  • For time - Here the objective is to make a certain number of repetitions, in the time that is necessary.

Having this classification clear, we will have a rather representative idea about what are the basis of this sport and, above all and most importantly, why the WOD are the “our daily bread” for a crossfitter. When we first arrive at a box of crossfit, We will find a board in which we will have scored the WOD. This training of the day is not chosen at random, and is scheduled based on established objectives, such as weight loss, toning, increased cardiovascular capacity, etc. As the days go by, we will realize that each training It is different from the previous one, until completing the week with a series of varied routines and training that improves our physical abilities. One of the great advantages of training in a box is that we are not alone; Sharing training with other colleagues will help us to be more motivated and increase our level of demand.

Top 5 Wods for beginners

We propose 5 wods for those who are starting in this sport, which will give you a good basis to take experience in this crossfit.

AMRAP 15 minutes

The first proposal is an AMRAP (AS MANY ROUNDS AS POSSIBLE). As we have mentioned above, it is about making as many rounds as possible in a certain time. The stopwatch will be launched and we will begin to make five repetitions of each exercise for 15 minutes. The round will start with 5 burpees and end with 5 Deadlift. It depends on each one to perform more or less rounds. The most important thing is to do the exercises correctly not to injure us and to learn to be rigorous and demanding in its execution. It is no use to do many repetitions in poorly executed exercises! For this WOD, in the Thrusters we will use a bar, dumbbells or kettlebell (Russian weights) and in the Russian weights. The rest of the exercises do not need material.

AMRAP 15 minutes:

➡️ 5 Burpees - See video
➡️ 5 Thrusters - See video
➡️ 5 push ups or flexions - See video
➡️ 5 Deadlift with Russian weights - See video

Tabata 4 minutes

It is a training that consists of 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. 8 rounds are made in 4 minutes. It is a "high intensity" training. The proposal is to first for 20 seconds and rest 10 seconds. Then it continues with flexions for 20 seconds and 10 seconds are rest. So on until doing the 8 rounds in 4 minutes interspersed. No material is needed to perform the squats and flexions.

Tabata 4 minutes:

➡️ Squats or squats - See video
➡️ Push ups or flexions. - See video

Annie (50-40-30-20-10)

The WOD ANNIE incorporates only two exercises that are carried out successively. It starts with 50 repetitions of double jumps Rope and then 50 abdominals. 40 repetitions of each exercise continue to reach 10 repetitions and finish the WOD. Beginners usually do this WOD between 10 minutes and 12 minutes while professionals in 5 minutes or less. Annie + variants

Annie (50-40-30-20-10)

➡️ Double –unders (double jumps from Rope) - See video
➡️ SIT-UPS (Abdominal). - See video

Cindy for beginners

Cindy is an amrap where you have to try to make the maximum round in 20 minutes. 5 dominated are made, 10 flexions and 15 squats successively as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

Cindy for beginners

➡️ 5 Horizontal inverted or dominated rowing - See video
➡️ 10 push ups (flexions) with the help of the wall - See video
➡️ 15 Squats (squatillas) - See video


The Wod Helen is a very dynamic training that consists of making 3 successive rounds without rest of 3 exercises. Routine is a 400 -meter race, 21 kettlebell swings and 12 dominated. It is important to train in a wide space to be able to run, and have a cage or bar for dominated. In addition, Russian weights will be necessary. One way to evaluate the improvement in training is to control the time in which the WOD is done. If you work hard, the time to do the training will decrease.


➡️ Run 400m
➡️ 21 Kettlebell Swings (balancing with Russian weights)
➡️ 12 dominated

Extra ball

Another routine would be to make squats and flexions for 15 minutes without any rest. You can alternate 15 squats and 15 flexions successively until the time of 15 minutes is exhausted. For this wod no material will be used and can be done anywhere.

Extra ball

➡️ squatillas (squats) - See video
➡️ Flexions (push -ups) - See video


These 5 examples are a simple way to start in the Crossfit. They are very complete routines that allow you to start without investing more than an hour in each training. The tabata is one of the simplest for beginners, because you do not need material, and only requires 4 minutes of training. The important thing is to go step by step and not want to do the most complicated from the beginning. The physical form will improve with training, and every time we can be done more demanding and complex. When we are starting, you have to avoid forcing the body more than the account so as not to suffer physical injuries. Remember to "execute the exercises correctly" and, if you have the opportunity, it is best to make them "in a box with coach." Greetings and see you in the box!


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