Caffeine as a supplement: Does performance improve?

Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks worldwide. We have numerous scientific studies where it is corroborated that coffee is a safe drink, as long as a good use of its consumption is made. Besides Coffee contains multitude of polyphenols, properties that we can benefit very positively, even when coffee is decaffeinated. 

The recommended use is 3-6mg/kg of caffeine a day, from 9mg/kg we could begin to notice unwanted effects. By reference mode, a espresso It contains about 100mg of caffeine. If your body weight is 60kg and you take an average of 5mg of caffeine, the average daily dose of caffeine would be around 300mg, which corresponds to 3 coffees Expresso. 

If we want to use it as a pre -training, with taking it approximately 1 hour before, you will surely notice that effect and you can benefit from it during your training. The effect can be lengthened up to 2.5-6 hours after intake, so we recommend that you supervise that it does not affect you in the night rest if you train late in the afternoon. 

If you are one of those who train early, you can also benefit from that extra energy chute, although in the morning it is when the cortisol peak finds its highest point, and you may not need it. 

The coffee intake time and how many cups you should customize to your needs, as long as it is not to replace a good rest. 

How does caffeine act? 

Caffeine acts by raising dopamine and adrenaline, increase the threshold of pain and that the physical exercise in question seems more pleasant. It also increases oxidation of fats and increases metabolism. At this point we want to highlight that caffeine alone does not have the ability to make you lose fat and take those kilos of more. It is simply a supplement that you can add in your fat loss protocol, and that of course, if you do not accompany it with a good rest, adequate nutritional guideline and specific physical activity, you will not notice the desired results. Do not confuse terms, since this makes most people frustrate when they do not obtain the objectives. Regarding muscle recovery, it has been discovered that it helps mitigate the muscle aches that we can have after hard training, and also if we eat caffeine next to carbohydrates, we can help the recharge of muscle glycogen. 

As for sports performance, it has been shown that There is an improvement in those short -term explosive movements, such as Cross Training a full snatch. As a strategy, if you do not usually consume caffeine in your day to day, you can use it at specific times throughout the week, when you know that in your training you have this type of explosive exercises where extra help will come well. In this way do not create caffeine tolerance and you will always notice its effects. 

In the event that you have Double training session, or after a training with a high load, you could have a coffee next to carbohydrates, and you will see how fatigue is reduced after training. 

In resistance sports, it has also been shown that it helps the athlete to delay the appearance of fatigue during their training or competition. Therefore, if you have a scheduled WOD where the resistance is a priority, it values ​​the pre -training caffeine intake. In the case of Cross Training, training is not usually greater than 90 min, therefore, we always recommend you take it before training, and not during, because the effect of caffeine we have already mentioned previously that it takes to appear between 45- 60 'After intake. 

It has been known through scientific evidence, that good quality coffee can have prebiotic effect, which helps us increase the beneficial bacterial population in our intestine, and to have greater microbial diversity. This will also help us to have good intestinal health, and not feel discomfort after ingesting food. The care of our intestine should be a priority. 

As you can see, there are many benefits that caffeine gives us, so it is one of the best supplements in which to invest your money. 

What if the coffee doesn't feel good? 

If you belong to the group of people who feel discomfort gastrointestinal, Reflux, acidity or you feel too anxious when drinking coffee, looks for other alternatives. The evidence shows us that the effect of caffeine on each person is partly conditioned by their genetics. You have to meet oneself And always choose what makes us feel better. Likewise, there are caffeine alternatives different from coffee take as we know, as For example: normal release pills, sustained release pills, gels, jelly beans, mouth rinses ... Check with a professional so that you can recommend the most appropriate option to your needs. Some of these options that we give you have less scientific evidence in their effectiveness, but each case must be valued. 

Coffee and hydration 

Although we know that coffee does not dehydrate even though it is a diuretic, Do not forget to continue with your water intakes to avoid effects of dehydration during training. In addition, take care of the type of coffee you consume. First value quality, a whole coffee bean and grind it is always recommended at the time to contain all its properties. The reality of many people is that they may not have the necessary time to do this process daily. Therefore, we recommend buying a good ground coffee, if you do not like to have it only make use of whole milk, skimmed (according to your goals), oat vegetable drink, soy ... We recommend you not use sugar or sweeteners, but you can also make a progressive transition to add less and less. You will see how your palate will end up getting used to the real flavor of coffee and you will enjoy this moment of the day. 

 We hope this article has helped you, that certain myths have been resolved and have sufficient quality information to assess whether caffeine is necessary in your life as a supplement for sports performance. 

If you have any questions, you can consult us. 

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