Shoulder exercises to heat in cross training


Whether you are new in Cross Training, as if you have been practicing it for a while, you will know that many of their movements are performed above the head and require great strength and resistance in the man's articulation. In this blog we are going to tell you the best heating exercises to strengthen the shoulder and that you can use in your training.  

10 shoulder heating exercises 

The shoulder is a joint that suffers injuries with some ease if we don't heat enough. Although we do not realize the shoulder is present in a great variety of exercises, not only in the Over Head. Some examples of exercises are dominated, front seadilla, Wall Balls, Muscle Ups, Chest to Bar, Handstand Walk ... among many others.  

To activate the shoulder joint can support us in elastic bands or ours Mobility pack 5EN1, very useful to heat and improve mobility.  

Snow Angel with Foam Roller 

We will put our Foam Roller on the ground and we will lie with the back on it in such a way that it is vertically touring our column. With bent legs and plants supported on the ground, we will make the famous Snow Angel with the arms between 10 and 15 times. 

Circles with the shoulders in quadrupedia position 

In the position of quadrupedia we make circles with the shoulders both forward and back to give good mobility to the area. We will repeat the movement about 20 times.  

Better stretching in the world  

EITHER Half Kneeling Rotation In its Anglo -Saxon version. We will wear a leg forward and support the rear knee on the floor. In that position, we will put the hand contrary to the front knee on the floor, and we will take the other arm to the ceiling while our head follows the movement. We repeat about 10 times with each arm.  



EITHER Prone Snow Angels - What the names in Cross Training we all know that it is a world and each box has its variationsWith the chest on the floor and hands extended in front of the head, we lift arms and legs, leaving the hip resting. We make circles carrying the arms from the initial position to the center of the back.  

Shoulder Tap  

In an iron position we are going to touch your shoulder with your opposite hand. We alternate every time up to a total of 20 repetitions.  

Pyramids with scapular movement  

With pyramid position we will activate the scapulae with movements from top to bottom. We will repeat about 5 times.  

Circles with kettlebell  

We will take a kettlebell and pass it around the head making broad circles. We will do it 5 times to each side.  

Shoulder Flossing  

We will take the band through the ends and keep a little tension. We will carry our arms forward from the body and back while stressing the band. We will repeat the exercise 10 times.  

Shoulder rotation  

We will put the band holding the rack and we will take the other end. In parallel to the band, we will take it with the arm shrunk and stuck to the hip, and we will extend it to the opposite side causing the band to follow a straight path. We will repeat 5 times with each arm.  


Scapular tractions in hung 

We will hang on the bar and make specular tractions. Repeat 5 to 7 times.  

If you include these exercises in your training routine, your joint will thank you since you will see as a desire for shoulder and you will give injuries.

What other shoulder exercises do you include in your routine? We read you in comments! 


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