Kettlebell Swing. Variations, execution and benefits

Kettlebell Swing is a typical exercise of functional training that helps athletes meet two great objectives: gain muscle mass and increase anaerobic capacity. For this reason, it is one of the Exercises with kettlebells more common in the Cross Training sessions. It is essential to know in detail how Kettlebell Swing is performed since, by implying several muscle groups, a bad movement can lead to discomfort or, in the worst case, a serious injury. To know the correct technique of this exercise, then we explain how the kettlebell swing is performed, some variations and, of course, the benefits of practicing it.

What is Kettlebell Swing?

Kettlebell Swing, or Spanish translated as weight balancing, as its name indicates, consists of Make a balancing with Russian weights or kettlebell. Depending on the level of physical condition in which you are, you must use more or less load. If you are a beginner, the most recommended that you begin with little weight and perfect your technique as much as possible. To proceed with this exercise, the Russian weighing must be supported in front of us, on the ground, between both feet. The legs should be separated at a slightly greater distance from the width of the shoulders. Once you have placed yourself, you must take the kettlebell and balance.


If your goal is to strengthen the muscles of the core, The kettlebell swing is the perfect exercise, because in addition to working the middle zone of the body, with its execution also Muscles are worked on both the lower train and the upper train.
In addition to helping you strengthen your body's muscles and favor the loss of body fat, Kettlebell Swing offers great benefits as the following:
  • It has one Great hormonal response, that is, this exercise allows us to adapt before to resistance exercises.
  • Helps improve Balance and body posture.
  • Improve the Aerobic and anaerobic capacity.

If doubts arise or you are not sure how to do the kettlebell swing, you can ask your coach, who will give you the best tips and guide you at all times.

How the balancing is executed with Russian weighing

These are the steps you must follow to perform the kettlebell swing correctly and, thus, avoid injury. Steps to follow:
  1. The first thing you should do is stand up, with your feet a little beyond the width of your shoulders and tips slightly out. The kettlebell must be supported on the ground, between the feet.
  2. Next, by slight hip flexion and straight back, we will descend the trunk to hold the Russian weighing, as if we made a squat but without the need to flex both the knees.
  3. Once we have the kettlebell with both hands, we will begin to balance ourselves. The Russian weighing must pass under the hip, between the legs, and then, with the impulse of the balancing, we must raise it to the head of the head.
  4. Repeat this movement between about 10 and 20 times. For correct execution, the kettlebell must be pushed with the force you do with the hip, abdominals and buttocks, never with your arms.

Normally, when performing the kettlebell swing, we tend to follow the weighing with our eyes, however, The right thing is to always look forward. Another recommendations to keep in mind is not to flex the knees much and not drag the Russian weight. In this video you can see How to do a kettlebell swing step by step:

Kettlebell Swing to one hand

If you consider that you have enough physical level to move on to the next level, then we propose to practice the kettlebell swing to one hand. The steps to follow are the same as the normal kettlebell swing, but In this case the weighing grabs with one hand. Keep in mind that the abdomen work in this case is greater.

Kettlebell Swing changing hand

As with the kettlebell swing to one hand, the variation changing hand also requires more effort on the part of the abdomen. The technique is the same as when we perform this normal exercise, however, When the weighing is at shoulder height and parallel to the ground, we change hand. In this video you can know the details:

What muscles are working with this exercise?

As we mentioned at the beginning of this post, Kettlebell Swing implies several muscle groups, including the following:
  • Deltoid
  • Trapezios
  • Triceps
  • Biceps
  • Sole
  • Quadriceps
  • Twins
Include the kettlebell in your routines, in addition to helping you improve and progress, as we have commented, will encourage you to continue practicing sports, since nor it's hard to practice and you don't require much material, only one weight. You can complement this movement with others such as the Russian Twist or Russian Giro, that you can find in our Blog.


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