Top 10 isometric exercises: tone without moving

Today we talk about some exercises that are often tan Forgotten as underestimated. Even so, it is more than probable that you have practiced this Short but intense type of training On more than one occasion and even have it included in your usual routine. Many times we practice some or several of these exercises without stopping to think that we are in full isometric exercise. If you stay with us until the end, you will know everything about them and you can decide whether to practice them or not, but consciously. We are already advancing that, with some time, You will see great results Thanks to them.

Ok, but what are isometric exercises?

As we said, this type of training is more common than we thinkYou may never have heard the isometric word, but what do you have made a iron More than once? Well, that is an isometric exercise. These exercises are looking for work for strength from muscle tension. It is a muscle contraction (or muscle group) without the exercise in the exercise No type of movement. Keeping the position at all times. During the exercise, neither the articulation, nor the muscle, must be extended or moved, that is, you will be in a static or motionless position. Although it seems not, this many times It is a greater effort than a dynamic exercise. Almost any exercise that you usually do, either from the lower or upper train, It can be done in its isometric modality.

These are the types of isometric exercises

Active isometric

You exercise strength on some fixed element that you must push or grab. Example: push a wall. They are usually used to gain muscle mass and favor hypertrophy.

Passive isometric

You exercise strength on some fixed element that you must push or grab. Example: push a wall. They are usually used to gain muscle mass and favor hypertrophy.

And these are the benefits you will have if you practice them

Like all physical activity the benefits are many. And, although there is almost no movement, in this case it was not going to be different. These are some of the advantages of adding isometric exercises to your strength training.

  • Your tendons and ligaments will be strengthened, so you will have less discomfort during your training.
  • You will avoid injuries. Not only because this type of training is almost exempt from any injury, but also because it will help you prevent future injuries.
  • If you need rehabilitation After an operation or injury, it will be good for you to Recover you faster.
  • It will help you recover the strength of the muscle May you notice stunted for lack of work in it.
  • You choose the isometric you choose, too You will be strengthening the trunk.
  • You can do it in anywhere.
  • If you suffer from arthritis will help you gain strength Without damaging your joints.
  • It is also beneficial to Prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.
  • Can work in isolation A concrete body area.
  • Isometric training is shorter than the dynamic since less repetitions are performed.
  • It will help you correct possible failures in the technique In the dynamic version of the exercise.
  • You will be improved your day -to -day posture. Even in older people it is useful to maintain a good position.

The correct way to perform isometric exercises

Everything has its technique, the isometric too. But with these recommendations you can make sure to be doing them in an optimal way.

How to account for repetitions

Isometric exercises They do not usually be counted in the same way as dynamics. While in dynamics we count x series of x repetitions, in the isometric We count x repetitions of x seconds each. A example It would be: 5 repetitions enduring in isometric position (motionless) for 30 seconds. Another way to count these exercises is enduring x time in isometric position. By example: A minute or minute and a half. The repetition time will depend on the number of repetitions What do you decide to do. The more repetitions, the less time each must last. These types of exercises You do not need many repetitions To be effective. According to your physical form, with 3, 5 or 10 it can be more than enough. Yes, the isometric exercises are short and much shorter than the usual ones. But Don't worry about doing few repetitions Because, according to the exercise, a minute in isometric position can be equivalent to 20 repetitions of the exercise in dynamic. Besides, There is why choose. Why not do something different in your routine and combine isometric and dynamic exercises In the same series? Yes, we talk about work at intervals. Maybe you can make x repetitions in dynamic and one in isometric of x seconds. Searaillas, flexions? You decide that.

What to take into account during the exercises

👉To see greater results and avoid any type of injury, do not forget keep the abdomen active throughout the exercise. 

👉 Remember that you will not move during the exercise, so Pay close attention to the position. It will depend on that you can get the most. 

👉 Don't forget about combine it with other types of strength and physical activities cardiovascular, so you will keep the whole body well balanced. 

👉 Also perform stretching exercises It will help you maintain good elasticity. 

👉 It is important that you control your breathing and don't try to contain it to avoid possible rises in blood pressure. 

👉 If you suffer from hypertension, apart from controlling breathing very well, it is recommended that You consult with your doctor before starting to train with isometric regularly. He can advise you on what intensity to practice so that it is not only harmful but is beneficial for your blood pressure.↦ You can perform any isometric exercise, many of them will be done From the intermediate point of the route. An example of isometric would be: a dominated one in which you don't even have hung, or go up, you stay halfway for x seconds. Could you?

What you need to practice isometric exercises

Nothing. Well yes, Hold to keep the position. But, in terms of material, You need nothing more than your own weight. Although too You can do isometric exercises with some materials such as: elastic bands, dumbbells, Kettlebells

10 isometric exercises that should not be missing in your routine

We arrive at the time of our bonus. We tell you The 10 most recommended exercises To strengthen your muscles and train your strength thanks to isometric:

💪🏻 Isometric flexions

You place yourself in a flexion position, with the arms more open than the width of your shoulders, you start to perform the flexion, but stop halfway and hold the seconds that you have marked.

💪🏻 Elevation of isometric heels

Open your legs slightly and lift your heels leaving all your weight on the tip of the feet. Keep this position during the entire exercise. You will end up hard twins like iron.


💪🏻 Iron

Put up ahead loading your weight on the forearms and the tip of the feet and stay like this until the stopwatch says enough. Remember to keep the body straight, climbing the rear is not worth. If you have doubts about this exercise, Do not miss this post.

💪🏻 Side iron

In this case, the position will be on the side and you must leave all your weight supported by one of your forearms and your foot. Can you keep your balance during the entire exercise? Eye, remember to repeat the exercise on the other side, do not develop more the musculature on one side than of the other. 😅

💪🏻 Contralateral plate

Also colloquially called the "superhero." You must put yourself, as they usually say, on all fours and stretch one of the arms and the opposite leg. Keep the position and balance during what the exercise lasts ... if you can. Be sure to lift your arm and leg contrary, you would not be the first to make mistakes and, yet, ask why a balance has tan appalling.

💪🏻 Isometric shoulders

This is one of the isometric exercises that we recommend with additional weight, but if you have low physical condition or come from a recent injury, you can start doing it with your own weight. Standing, with slightly open legs, lift your arms only to shoulders. Keep them at this point and completely stretched throughout the exercise.

💪🏻 Isometric strides

Place yourself and advance a leg going down everything you can. Endure in this position the stipulated time and note how your legs and buttocks become a little stronger every second.

💪🏻 Isometric abdominals

Bocarriba raises the legs about 90º and then lifts the trunk with the stretched arms and enduring the balance on the buttocks. If you can, and want more physical activity, try to raise the legs and trunk more. The more elevation, the more intensity.

💪🏻 Isometric hip elevation

Again Bocarriba, but this time we will support the feet on the ground and raise the hip throughout the exercise. It is important that you take care of the technique and make sure you keep your back straight.

💪🏻 Isometric squatillas

Go on a wall and go down to the squat position. Going down until the legs are at 90º is enough. Thighs, buttocks and strong hips are the result of this exercise.


These exercises despite being brief and not requiring almost movement, are highly recommended to strengthen and tone the body. Do not forget to combine it with other exercises to be compensated and balanced. In case of hypertension (or other cardiovascular disease) or arthritis, special care must be taken when selecting the exercises and their intensity. Better consult it with a specialist. It has been demonstrated that there is a type of muscle tension that is healthy. The one caused by stress, no, but that of isometric exercises, yes. Have you tried them? Tell us! 👇💬


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